Another game that tries to convince you it needs extra permission in order to save your game. Shockingly, they don't. Why do they ask for it, then? We can only guess. My guesses involve privacy violations. Uninstalled, 1 star. GAMES DO NOT NEED EXTRA PERMISSIONS FOR A SAVE GAME.
I like the open ended nature of how to approach the game. The trial and error of the phone can be a bit daunting, but it has this old school gaming approach that begs you to take your own notes in where your cold calls lead. Was a pleasant surprise.
作者は、そういう感想を持つプレイヤーを忌避しているようだけど、面白いがボリュームはもう一声ほしい、と感じてしまった作品。ゲーム慣れしている人だとあっという間に終わってしまうかも。 探索する楽しみをもっと用意してほしかった。
Once again, we're reminded of the fact that game development is not only a craft. It's art. It's not just the pixel-art, which is lovely. This game flips the premise of point & click adventure on its head: exploring is the goal and the little puzzles you solve are the means to that end. However cute Jill is, the real star of the game is the environment. It creates a nice eerie, surreal atmosphere and works well with the offkey chiptunes. I'm gonna keep an eye on this dev!
Really cool but weird. I'm delighted by it but also have no idea what to do. I don't know if it's a bug, but every time i die it seems to hang on a black screen indefinitely until i force-crash the app
This game is okay. The style of it and the idea behind it is very interesting, but the game is otherwise... meh. There is a lot of aimless running around and expirimenting, and the music is very, very repetitive.
A mysterious wandering game.
I want more games like this available on android!
Interesting gameplay mechanic, a little creepy